Create a climate resilient future for yourself, your family, and your community
It’s up to each of us, acting now, to prepare Asheville for the future we want to live.
Preparing for Our Future
The changing climate has already made Asheville’s weather more unpredictable.
We can expect more extreme heat and excessive rain, and increasing development in the area means more pollution of our rivers and roads.
It’s up to each of us, acting now, to prepare Asheville for the future we want to live.
The more native trees we plant, the more we protect pollinators, the more we reduce the waste we create, the more we clean up our rivers – the more climate resilient our entire community becomes.
Our Work
Nature works in systems.
To protect it, so must we.
We know that the strongest resilience to a changing climate can only come from protections that fit all of us under the umbrella.
That’s why this family focuses on the priorities that are building a greener Asheville for all of us: Planting trees, protecting native pollinators, cleaning up our rivers and roads, reducing our waste, and inspiring others to get involved.
Key Impact Numbers
Volunteers Mobilized
Volunteer Hours Devoted
Projects Complete
Years of Service

Our Programs
We know environmental problems are big, and you want to put your time, money, and effort toward
solutions that make the biggest impact.
That’s why we’re thinking big, and tackling the solutions that will prepare Asheville for the future we want to experience.
Rivers and Roads
Keep litter from poisoning our waterways.
Urban Forestry
Restore the urban tree canopy that protects our homes from extreme heat and flooding.
Hard 2 Recycle
Create less waste and keep recyclables out of the landfill.
About Us
We face challenges to create a resilient future, but we are creative, resourceful people, and we will face those challenges together, as a GreenWorks family.
We believe that many hands make light work.
Our goal is to make sure that everyone who wants to participate in building a greener future is equipped with tools and resources — and most importantly a community of problem-solvers all working together.
We’re doing all we can to say “no” to a future by default.

The Future Forward Fund
Donate to build a greener future for all of us.