Take Action / Just for Youth / YELP
Youth Environmental Leadership Program
YELP inspires and equips the next generation of
BIPOC environmental leaders.

About the Program
Explore Nature. Adventure Outdoors. Connect with Your Community.
What’s the best part about joining?
Here’s what our 2022 YELP Intern Team picked:
Lending a hand at the Southside Community Garden, Soulfull Simone Farm, and Hillcrest Apple Orchard
Herpetology with UNCA Professor Landon Ward. Snakes, Y'all!
Elk tagging with Great Smoky Mountains National Park Wildlife Ranger Zach Copeland.
Hoverfly species and macroinvertebrate sampling with Paul Super, Science Coordinator at the Appalachian Highlands Science Learning Center where our YELP interns captured an aphideater, a new species for the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Enloe Enslaved Peoples Cemetery Oral History with Atalaya Dorfield, Research Assistant of the African American Experience History Project in the Smokies National Park.
Hear our 2022 YELP Intern Eloise share what she loved most about her experience.
High School Internship
Our YELP program also welcomes young BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) high schoolers aged 16 and up for a 6-week paid summer internship. This program runs June 17 - August 1, 2024.
The application deadline is June 7, 2024.
Want to inspire and equip the next generation of environmental leaders?
More about the Program
YELP interns ervice days include carrying out projects such as water cleanups of our trash capture devices in our local streams and the French Broad River, tree care and planting, and enhancement of native pollinator habitat areas.
Interns will also work with relevant local environmental partners.
Additionally, interns will participate in workdays at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park to complete environmental service and science work, learn from experts, and develop their own group initiatives.
Interns will gain skills in teamwork, environmental science, and outdoor recreation -- such as canoeing, kayaking, and hiking.
No experience needed - the goal of the internship is to learn together!
Founded in 2014, YELP is a grassroots effort to advance equity in the environmental field and develop youths’ connection to our ecological community.
The only program of its kind in the Asheville area, YELP helps young people develop life and job skills, as well as specialized knowledge about the environment and practical advocacy and conservation experience. YELP prepares young adults to be conscientious environmental guardians in their personal and professional lives and stewards of the natural resources and natural environment in their lives.
YELP Alums
Tallis engages people of all ages in curiosity and care for our local natural spaces. For two years, Tallis co-led YELP, a paid internship introducing BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) youth to the field through education, experience, and service work - with a focus on environmental justice and water quality.
Originally from Fairfield, CT, Tallis moved to Asheville to study Environmental Science in the biodiverse forests of the Blue Ridge Mountains. She received an Interdisciplinary degree from the University of North Carolina Asheville. Tallis’ research interests include community-based environmental conservation, natural resource management, bioacoustics, and local knowledge systems.
Daniel Suber, a graduate of UNC Asheville in Sociology has been working with GreenWorks and the YELP program since its inception. Recently, Daniel became certified as a Non-Violent Communication trainer through training offered in YELP and helped launch a new program called A Leadership Initiative for Vision and Empowerment (ALIVE). Daniel encourages each person to follow the best of their heart, dreams, and goals. Maybe they'll inspire someone else to do the same.
Phillip a graduate of A.C. Reynolds High School is currently seeking higher education in Greensboro, NC. Phillip worked two summers as a YELP intern and one as a YELP leader, working independently on local projects at the GreenWorks nursery and cleaning debris from GreenWorks’ trash capture devices (Trash Trouts / Trash Trout Juniors) in Buncombe and Henderson Counties keeping our local waterways clean. Phillip has also been an integral part of the formation of ALIVE, A Leadership Initiative for Vision and Empowerment, that developed as an outgrowth of the Non Violent Communication Sessions that are part of YELP.
Tamia Dame, who interned with YELP two successive summers and has since graduated from UNCA with a degree in Environmental Studies served as an AmeriCorps member with MountainTrue and Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy. In between Tamia’s two summer internships she presented at the AASHE (Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education) Conference in Spokane, Washington in the fall of 2019. Tamia’s topic was using methods of transformative justice in institutions to promote equity in environmental opportunities and careers. Tamia is now looking forward to starting her new position as The American Chestnut Foundation's Media and Communications Coordinator.
Nallah, who completed an internship with GreenWorks in 2018, went on to start her own nonprofit program called AfroAgriculture to teach children in Black communities about growing food. Nallah has a bachelor's degree in Agriculture and Environmental Systems from A&T University and served as an intern with Carolina Creative Works in partnership with Piedmont Triad Regional Food Council, as well as with the Out of the Garden Project. Nallah is currently the Director of Volunteers & Sustainability for the Out of the Garden Project.
Laura, currently a student at Mars Hill University, served one summer as a YELP leader and is featured in the Outside Science video through the National Park Service. Laura, a member of the ALIVE group, brings her nonviolent communication skills to the community through her service projects and various internships.
Ariahn, a three year intern with Asheville GreenWorks, is currently a junior at Mars Hill University working towards a degree in social work with a minor in criminal justice. “Teamwork, communication, hard work, perseverance from YELP has contributed to the person I am today. I have missed that spot in my heart that had been empty since I left for college. As far as coming back to work with GreenWorks, I want to now come back and help further develop my community outreach skills and help inform other people of what Asheville GreenWorks does and how the little things they do can help our environment.” Ariahn is currently working on two projects as an alumni teaching others about the importance of waste reduction, recycling, and trees in our local community.