what we’re thankful for
Paul sold chicken eggs to raise money to create a greener future for his home.
We'd like to share one of the most heartwarming stories we've heard in a long time.
It starts with a brave 10-year-old, some chickens & birthday money, and a very proud family. On the surface, Paul seems like a regular kid — he plays sports, he enjoys video games...
But Paul is extraordinary.
In just over a year, he helped raise nearly $6,000 for Asheville GreenWorks.
Many decades ago, Paul's great-grandparents created a family giving fund before they passed away. They believed that sharing their wealth in perpetuity was the best legacy they could leave behind. Every year, each family member receives money from this fund to support something they are passionate about.
Last year was special. It was Paul's first time choosing his own cause and organization to support, and he got to present his choice in-person to his whole family at their annual gathering.
"I get really nervous about climate change in the future. And Asheville gets really, really dirty sometimes. I saw a Trash Trout in a creek near where I live, and I decided I'd donate to GreenWorks because I really like the environment."
As his family listened to him, several others became inspired to devote their funds to GreenWorks too.
Because of Paul's passionate speech, we received a gift of $4,500 last November.
But he didn't stop there. He donated over $300 of his own money—money he saved up from a year of raising chickens and selling their eggs, plus all of his birthday money when he turned 11. And this November, Paul chose to devote his funds to GreenWorks once again.
Paul wants to take action to create a clean, beautiful, and resilient community.
And he knows we face unprecedented challenges.
Can you help Paul create a greener future for Asheville?
When you make a gift before December 31, a group of anonymous donors will match your gift, up to $50,000.
Your contributions have made an incredible difference in this community.
You've helped put more Trash Trouts into our local creeks, capturing litter before it pollutes our rivers and harms our wildlife. And you've ensured a dedicated and growing team of volunteer StreamKeepers have the training and supplies they need to install, maintain, and remove trash from this burgeoning fleet of 24/7 litter traps.
Your gift removes pollution from our creeks and rivers, so we can all benefit from healthy, litter-free waterways.
You've helped grow thousands of trees for Buncombe County residents, and find places where trees can be planted and thrive in parks, greenways, and other public spaces.
Your gift brings back our urban forest, so we can all benefit from clean air, green urban spaces, and added protection from extreme weather.
You've helped add acres of native pollinator habitat to our urban and suburban neighborhoods, through our Pollinator Garden Certification program and pollinator habitat plantings along public greenways.
Your gift helps our local pollinators survive, so we can all benefit from a strong local food system.
Most of all, your gift inspires more people like you — and Paul — to take action.
More is more. And with your help, we can do MORE.
We are so grateful for the support you've shown us. Will you help us do more by making a special gift this year end?
Your donation helps us build a resilient community, full of problem-solvers and action-takers, so that we all reap the benefits of clean air, healthy water, access to nature, and better protection from extreme weather.
Thanks so much for your continued support!