Where is your neighborhood the hottest?
We want to map all the places in the greater Asheville area where heat has the biggest impact. Add yours to the list! Photo credit: Quang Nguyen Vinh
Heat affects everyone.
But we don't all experience it the same ways.
Some parts of Asheville are hotter than others.
In some areas, it's hard to find places to cool off.
We want to figure out exactly where.
And we need your help.
On our heat mapping day this summer, volunteers will use special sensors to collect heat data throughout Asheville and parts of Buncombe County.
We have an opportunity to identify “hot spots” that will receive special attention in the study.
These are the places in your community where it gets the hottest, where heat causes big problems, or where people go to cool off.
We especially want to know where heat might impact vulnerable residents, like popular bus stops or day care centers where kids play outside all summer.
We have a list of some of the obvious ones, like schools and retirement communities, but we don't know your neighborhood as well as you do.
That's why we need your help.
Where is your neighborhood the hottest?
Where do people go to cool off?
If you name them now, we can receive exact temperature data from these “hot spot” locations during the study.
That means we'll know precisely how hot it's getting at these important locations. That will make it easier and more precise to co-create solutions to extreme heat in Asheville.
So please tell us here, if there's a spot where you think heat makes a big impact, or where people go to cool off.