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Guest User Guest User

A helping hand with spring cleaning

What would you do if you saw that one of your neighborhood streams was completely clogged by litter?

For Ellen, it was a call to knock the dust off her trusty trash grabbers.  

Ellen is one of GreenWorks’ most active DIY cleanup volunteers. 

For 20 years, she conducted regular litter cleanups on London Road as part of GreenWorks’ Adopt-a-Street program.  

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Jess Mott Wickstrom Jess Mott Wickstrom

2022 Rivers & Roads Hero

Meet our 2022 Rivers & Roads Hero: Pat, a retired school counselor and tireless river guardian.

For about a year, every time she drove down Emma Road, she complained about the litter she saw.

“I live about seven minutes from Emma, and I use it all the time. I kept complaining that it looks awful. Every time I was in the car, I would say, ‘There’s so much litter. There’s got to be something I can do about it,’” Pat said

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