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GreenWorks to Lead NOAA Urban Heat Island Mapping Campaign 

This summer, GreenWorks will map the hottest neighborhoods in Asheville and parts of Buncombe County, as one of 18 cities in an international study on extreme heat in urban areas.

GreenWorks has been selected to lead an Asheville-area heat mapping campaign as part of a program coordinated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Program Office, the interagency National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS), and CAPA Strategies, LLC.

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Urban Forestry Jess Mott Wickstrom Urban Forestry Jess Mott Wickstrom

2022 Urban Forestry Heroes

Mary Pat and her husband Tom are our 2022 Urban Forestry Heroes for their willingness to take action to create a climate-resilient future for our community.

Mary Pat and Tom lived abroad for years, and landed in North Asheville when they moved back. Questions about how to care for the trees on their own property prompted them to get involved with the GreenWorks Sand Hill Tree Nursery and the TreeKeeper program.

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