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Native Pollinators, Leave Your Leaves Jess Mott Wickstrom Native Pollinators, Leave Your Leaves Jess Mott Wickstrom

The Fall Garden: Alternatives to Pesticides

As colder weather and our first hard frosts open up the landscape to bare bones, it’s the perfect time to prepare for next year’s growing season. Save those leaves! Prepping for next season begins with supporting our pollinators and other beneficial insects through winter. If we work too hard at cleaning up, they will suffer.

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Native Pollinators Jess Mott Wickstrom Native Pollinators Jess Mott Wickstrom

It’s August—Time for a Safari!

It was early August and summer was heating up. Our expedition would parallel a river, lush with radiant flora and active fauna. Being well equipped was crucial to enjoying and capturing the experience. We hoped to see some tigers, herds of furry feeders, and maybe even a zebra.

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