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Mind Your Plastic May Jess Mott Wickstrom Mind Your Plastic May Jess Mott Wickstrom

Himalayan Salt Deodorant

You may be interested in switching to a natural deodorant for many reasons. You may be trying to avoid plastic packaging; maybe you’re concerned about aluminum or other chemicals in commercially available antiperspirants. Perhaps, you just have really sensitive skin.

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Mind Your Plastic May Jess Mott Wickstrom Mind Your Plastic May Jess Mott Wickstrom

Ditch the Dryer Sheets

Have you ever thought about plastic reduction in your laundry room? How about those fresh-smelling dryer sheets that reduce static electricity, leaving your clothes feeling soft? Dryer sheets are made from synthetic polyester, and the toxic chemicals contained in dryer sheet fabric softeners are what target the electrostatic charges.

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