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Urban Forestry Jess Mott Wickstrom Urban Forestry Jess Mott Wickstrom

2022 Urban Forestry Heroes

Mary Pat and her husband Tom are our 2022 Urban Forestry Heroes for their willingness to take action to create a climate-resilient future for our community.

Mary Pat and Tom lived abroad for years, and landed in North Asheville when they moved back. Questions about how to care for the trees on their own property prompted them to get involved with the GreenWorks Sand Hill Tree Nursery and the TreeKeeper program.

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Urban Forestry Jess Mott Wickstrom Urban Forestry Jess Mott Wickstrom

Fruit and Nut Trees

Fruit and Nut trees are a wonderful addition to any yard, garden or open space. With the varieties available at your local nursery, you can have a small orchard, giving you years of fresh food. Fruit and Nut trees will not only provide you with sustenance, but shade, clean air and forage for our local Fauna.

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Urban Forestry Jess Mott Wickstrom Urban Forestry Jess Mott Wickstrom

Sand Hill Native Tree Nursery

Thanks to a grant from Buncombe County Parks & Recreation Department, Asheville GreenWorks installed a native tree nursery. This nursery will allow us to grow specific native trees that we will plant in public places throughout Asheville and Buncombe.

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Urban Forestry Guest User Urban Forestry Guest User

Saving Asheville's Trees

Asheville Tree Canopy Consistency between 2008-2018 - Asheville's Urban Tree Canopy Study, 2019. Davey Resource Group.Did you know that the city of Asheville does not have any existing ordinances, policies, or programs in place to preserve its urban forest canopy?

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Urban Forestry Guest User Urban Forestry Guest User

A Call for Urban Forestry Management

The Asheville Urban Forestry Commission (AUFC), Asheville GreenWorks, and the Tree Protection Task Force have stirred up a lot of community interest in recent months about the need for the City to hire a professional urban forester and develop an urban forest master plan. Why is there such interest in urban forestry management in Asheville? Don't we already have a city arborist who takes care of tree-related matters?

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Urban Forestry Jess Mott Wickstrom Urban Forestry Jess Mott Wickstrom

Climate Change & Asheville’s Urban Forest

A group of volunteers formed the Tree Protection Task Force in 2017, under the auspices of Asheville GreenWorks, to advocate for protecting the trees that make up the urban forest of Asheville. Since that time, the Tree Protection Task Force has supported the City of Asheville's efforts to conduct a gap analysis, review the City's tree ordinances and conduct a study of the change in urban forest canopy cover over a ten-year period.

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